星期五, 10月 10, 2014

所以我懇請你做一件事(if you can, start doing this today)

Most of TED speeches can make me cry.

I studied for information about 10 years. The beginning was an accident choice for my life. Every time I face the information I feel more about how much I can't control, though there are many methods researchers have found.

Moreover, there is no end of science like religion and other important things coexist in this world. Bigotry is no end, too.


  1. 一個"like"的按鈕是每天重覆出現幾千萬次,即便他再微小,讓某些人認為微不足道
  2. 一個"善良"的改變依然無害於 舊有的壞設計,因為人們早已適應了模式

請容許我下一個很唐突的結論: 每一個人都依然是一個棋子,如果我們還是在模式當中,做著那些你可能認為微不足道、重覆不變的決定。切記,不要輕乎每一次的發言與決定,那不僅是決定自己是誰,還有決定了這個社會會不會是重覆的社會與結構。(If we still use the same pattern to response the info and make choices as usual, we will be in the same structure of these world and live like a part of machine. Please remember that every words and decisions are important than we think. They make who we are and what the society will become.)





歡迎您的留言! ^^