星期二, 9月 05, 2006

資訊行為(Human Information Behavior)

要不是讀到T.D. Wilson關於Information Behavior的文章,有些疑惑我可能一時間也無法解開。

先前一直對UI、HCI、usability engneering抱持過多的幻想,認為這些領域與使用者並不會太遙遠,所有的測試是為了更便利使用者,但Wilson提醒:
"…investigations into information requirements were concerned almost entirely with how a user navigated a given system and what he or she could do with the data (rather than information) made available by information systems.

…even when such methods are employed, the designers appear to be asking, “How is this person using the system?” rather than seeking to determine what the individual’s (or the organization’s) information needs may be and how information seeking behavior relates to other, task-oriented behavior."

確實關心資訊需求(information need)不是以資訊系統為前提的學科,而是資訊科學或是圖書館。其他像是consumer behavior research、marketing、psychology、health communication research及以使用者為焦點更甚於系統本身的領域。(看完後大大地點頭)

接著Wilson給了Information Behavior、Information Seeking Behavior、Information Searching Behavior、Information Use Behavior四者很明確的定義,然後是學科言簡意賅的起源史,能快速了解這個領域。

"...a knowledge of the requirements of the different users of scientific information and the uses to which they wish to put the information they secure should be the ultimate determining factor in the designing of methods of storage and retrieval of scientific information."

在那個沒有電腦的年代,主要關心的是文件(document)的使用,有系統地研究摘要、專利、期刊論文及圖書館之使用等。另外,像是資訊需求方面,Mote(1962)歸納出三層級,Wilson認為轉換到現今的網路的環境,可以分成(1) persons are likely to be effective independent users of Internet search engines and online search systems, (2)while categories and (3) are likely to continue to need the services of a skilled intermediary。(又再一次大大地點頭)


資訊行為研究是與人有關的領域,目前還在發展,路(涉及的層面)愈來愈廣,近年(1998-)來collaborative information seeking、the role of information-seeking behavior in teams及
information-seeking and the World Wide Web都慢慢受到注意。如何在傳統與現代中找出一條縫隙,穿針引線,立下紮根之樹,值得深思與細心經營。




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